About Blue Eden water:
Blue Eden provides innovative and cost-effective water treatment solutions to industrial and municipal clients through advanced engineering and innovation. Our team has extensive experience implementing waste water solutions for various industries, flow rates and applications. Our services include design, fabrication and commissioning of your waste water treatment plant to meet your specific requirements and ensure that government regulations are met.
We understand that client demands are unique which is why we offer off the shelve and custom treatment systems to ensure that the most appropriate solution is selected for you specific effluent. Our ClearBLUE and PureBLUE systems can function stand-alone, in combination, or supplement traditional water treatment systems.
Advantages of ClearBLUE and PureBLUE:
Implementing a new waste water treatment system is often a daunting task giving the numerous technologies available, complexity of waste water treatment processes and the significant capital cost. To assist clients, we have assembled a team with many decades of broad experience that can guide you through the process to ensure the best option is chosen. We welcome the opportunity to provide our expertise in your next project or enhance your current system.
Blue Eden is committed to provide water treatment solutions that respect the environment and enhance our water ecosystems. Our proprietary advanced treatment processes typically consume less energy, use minimal to no chemicals, produce less solid waste, and have lower green house gas emissions, as compared to competing technologies.
Our water treatment processes have been implemented globally across a broad spectrum of industries. The following link leads to a non-exhaustive list of industries and applications.
When wide-spectrum suspended solid contamination removal is required, Blue Eden employs its reliably and cost-effective ClearBLUE system. We consider the ClearBLUE to be the workhorse of water treatment as either a pre-treatment or full solution to remove suspensions and many other contaminants.
For elimination of organics, Blue Eden offers a system capable of complete organic matter removal that is also cost effective, utilizing a chemical-free process.
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